Students explore a showcase of Bio-Inspired Artwork during an open house on this Design Bloc course.

Opportunities for Incoming Students

Opportunities for Incoming Students

New to Tech? We'd like to welcome you to our Design Bloc community. We built a set of courses that connect you with teammates from across majors to tackle real-world problems. Take a class, find a workshop, or join our VIP project team! We're happy to have you here at Design Bloc. 

A table full of students build physical low-fidelity prototypes during a workshop in Design Bloc's GT-1000 course.

GT1000, Intro to Design Behaviors


Interested in tackling your transition to Tech with Design Behaviors?

This course focuses on introducing design thinking and innovation to freshmen at Georgia Tech. Taught by Professor Kevin Lewis, this design-themed section of GT1000 will connect you with students from across disciplines in hands-on workshop sessions. 

Find the -DTI section of GT1000 during course-registration at FASET!

Design Bloc + VIP

The Vertically Integrated Projects Program at Georgia Tech offers students the opportunity to contribute to long-term, multidisciplinary projects for academic credit.

Design Bloc’s VIP studio course challenges student teams to apply design thinking within real world client projects with industry and non-profits in the Atlanta area. This studio approach allows students to gain professional experience in a design project with mentorship from Design Bloc staff.

No prior design experience is required, and Georgia Tech undergraduates from all majors and years are invited to apply. 

Credit counts can vary. Application and permit required to register. 

Class leans in around table full of kitchen utensils during Design Bloc class: Your Idea, Your Invention.

Your Idea, Your Invention


Interested in discovering a real-world design opportunity? 

Freshman and sophomore students work in multidisciplinary teams to discover opportunities for invention and create their own novel solutions. Taught by Professor Wayne Li, this course is team taught in an active, project-based learning format and emphasizes skills and abilities in design, creativity, and innovation. The course consists of faculty and guest lectures, skill-building exercises, and two project cycles. 

Find the -A section of GT2803 during course-registration!

Reach Out to Us

Whether you're a student looking to join our team, or an organization seeking to introduce your workforce to design-thinking techniques, we want to hear from you. Connect with us!